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  • Writer's pictureHolly

Ring My (Kettle)Bell

Today I want to share a really great workout that me and the hubs did earlier this week. I really wanted to share this workout with y'all because all it requires is one kettlebell. So many times people think that to get a great workout at home you need to have this state of the art, multi-thousand dollar home gym... and it's just not true. While having more equipment is nice because it makes for easy variety, it absolutely is not essential.

Side note: If you have limited equipment and you aren't sure what to do with it, shoot me an email or leave me a comment. I would love to get in touch with you and program some things for you to do.

Another reason I wanted to share this workout is because it will absolutely crush you (in a good way!), but it only takes 20 minutes. Making time to work out can be challenging even on the days we have the best of intentions. Driving to the gym, working out, driving home... all of that can take 1-2 hours! But I think most people would be hard pressed to tell you they don't have 30 minutes in their day to dedicate to themselves.

Okay- so here's the workout:

20m AMRAP (As many rounds/reps as possible):

20 KB swings

15 burpees over KB (30 weeks pregnant so I did NOT go over the KB)

10 single arm KB clean and jerks (ea. side)

5 single arm KB thrusters (ea. side)

This is an awesome total body workout that literally hits every major muscle group in your body. Make sure to warm up properly before this workout- spend at least five minutes doing some jumping jacks, windmills, air squats, jogging... you should break a light sweat prior to starting any workout- that's how you know your body is ready to go.

The goal of an AMRAP is to keep moving the entire time so the weight of the KB shouldn't be an issue. I used a 35# KB and got 4 rounds plus 5 reps - can you beat this pregnant lady? ;) Post your scores in the comments and let me know what you think!

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