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  • Writer's pictureHolly


I know. No really... I KNOW.... It's been forever and I've said this before but really- I'm going to be better about posting.

Oh my gosh I'm so embarrassed. You GUYS! It's been almost a YEAR since I've posted anything. And you know- there isn't a great reason for it, except that for some reason it just wasn't a priority for awhile. Which I'm not stoked about- I love sharing my life experiences and knowledge in hope that it might help someone else; so why did watching "The Office" somehow supersede this?

I'm going to be honest. LAZY. There is nothing else to it. Yes, I had a LOT going on last year, stuff that I couldn't share, stuff that engulfed my entire being, but by August-ish, I was doing better and I sort of fell into a slump. I mean, I was still working out, working, and getting stuff done, but it was all sort of to just get back to the couch.

You guys know what inertia is? It is a law of physics which is basically says an object at rest, will remain at rest, while an object in motion, will remain in motion. I remember learning this principle way back in the day (thank you Mrs. Robinson - 9th grade science class), and guess what I learned as an adult? This law is TRUE.

Have you ever noticed that when you stop working out, or really doing anything that requires energy, that it's so much harder to start again? That is INERTIA at work. It also plays into our habitual nature, but it is fact that once you stop moving it is harder to get going again. The energy that it takes to start something BACK up can seem too great a challenge and therefore we let it slide to the back burner, where we look at it occasionally and say, "I'm going to get to that again," but really we are just waiting until it falls off the oven-top altogether.

Well, I'm taking this OFF the backburner and putting it on the FRONT where it belongs. I'm so excited for what this year holds and I think I'm going to have a lot of great things to share with you guys that I hope can help you too.

Here is a snapshot of what is new with me:

1. Just moved to Yucca Valley, CA... boy there is NOTHING out here. I am hoping to get you some good gardening tips, and maybe some tips on raising chickens once we get ours going!

2. I am 14 weeks pregnant! Yep- FINALLY. This is something we have wanted forever, so we are ecstatic. I'll be putting out some good articles on fertility, being pregnant, and labor and birth.

3. I'm still working out so nothing new there. But MAN, does the body change when you are pregnant, so I'm excited to share posts on how to modify workouts, what is safe for you to do, and how to stay fit and healthy throughout your pregnancy (and why it is important). Along with staying healthy is eating right so I'll keep passing along my favorite recipes also.

4. This is first time since I was 16 years old that I don't have a conventional job... whoa. SOOOO I am hoping to interact with you guys more, answer more of your questions, and have a more personal relationship with each and every one of you! Never hesitate to reach out on here, or you can DM me on IG @holls0106.

Alright, well... that's all for now but stay tuned! This will be updated OFTEN so make sure that you are receiving my emails when new posts are published. Happy hump day y'all and I'll catch you soon!

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