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  • Writer's pictureHolly

Being Truly Hands Free

This past weekend my little family of three (had to leave our big fur babies at home) trekked to Texas to celebrate my sister's nuptials! It was truly a wonderful weekend surrounded by family and many special memories were made.

One of my favorite aspects of the trip might surprise you. Ok, well, truth be told my two month old baby being good on both flights was also one of my favorite aspects but that's not the one I want to focus on.

My favorite part about this trip was that my phone is on its' last leg.

... What? I know, I know... allow me to explain.

As a hard-core introvert it's easy for me in settings with lots of people to just get on my phone and sort of disappear in the crowd. Striking up conversation with people truly stresses me out and so directing my attention to a device is like my security blanket. It's not that I don't want to interact with those around me, but my drive to feel secure overrides that yucky uncomfortable feeling so out comes the phone.

My phone is BEYOND overdue for an upgrade. It's a 6s and I got it right when they came out which I think means that I've had it for about 4 years. Basically my phone does not work unless it is plugged in. Which means that relying on it in social settings is not an option. This pushed me out of my comfort zone and into the arms of the social scene.

My beautiful sister dancing with my baby :)

Turns out - not that scary. I really enjoyed getting to know people I probably otherwise would not have had I been on my phone. I especially enjoyed getting to connect more to my family, and sharing the joy of introducing them to my new baby girl. And actually- this might sound silly but I enjoyed connecting with my baby more too. I didn't realize how much I get on instagram or start playing games when I am holding her until this trip. I enjoy gazing into her eyes as she smiles, coos, and feeds. I feel like she knows when I am looking too- she is more engaged and seems to relish being the center of mommy's attention.

I think the only thing I missed my phone for was that I took like one picture the entire time, which with it being a wedding and seeing lots of people that I barely ever get to see, is a bummer (This isn't really a loss because everyone else has their phone and they were all too quick to take pictures when I would lament, "Oh I'd like a picture, but I don't have my phone.").

My point is that we miss stuff when we are on our phone. We aren't truly being present. We are constantly diverting our attention to something that takes us out of the moment. And it made me wonder what else we miss out on? What other conversations were never had? What potentially life-changing interactions were lost?

I'm not saying that you should never ever use your phone again and that it's garbage technology. It's out of Pandora's box and there is no going back so it's all about managing how you use this technology going forward. Is your instagram feed that important? Do you really need to update your facebook status to tell people that you never talk to in person what you are doing? Do you need to post your profound thought on twitter, or maybe you can just share it with the person you are with?

I love posting things on my story and sharing my life with those that I don't get to see very often. But I'm coming to realize that it's only ok to do those things, when it does not take away from the relationships around me. Until this trip I don't think I realized that impact that it does have, and I will be working towards finding a better balance.

One more of her because OH MY GOSH THE CUTENESSSSSSS

What impact does your phone have on your life? Do you think it positively or negatively affects your relationships and why? Comment below and let me know what you think.

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