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  • Writer's pictureHolly

No time? No Equipment? No problem.

I used to hate that awkward pause that would inevitably follow after I tell people that I am a personal trainer/nutrition coach. Eyes get a little big bigger, quickly look away, then dart back to me, and then say something to the degree of, "Oh, that's cool. You know, I keep meaning to get in shape but I just don't have the time." It's like they immediately assume that I am judging them and how they choose to live their life. Which is not the case - as long as they can HONESTLY say that they are 100% happy with their health and their life, who am I to judge?

At this point in the conversation, I will normally let them off the hook and change the subject. I mean, they haven't hired me to be their personal sadist (YET), but sometimes, I can't help but just say, "All you need is 20-30 minutes for a good workout," just to make them squirm a little bit (I mean, I can have a little fun at their expense, right?).

Because you know what I really wish they would say?

"I don't want to workout." Or maybe, "It's not a priority." Or even, "I don't know what to do."

Truthful. Simple. Honest. And real.

You haven't been MEANING to start working out... you haven't even really been thinking about it. It's just something that someone says to feel justified for their life decisions. Which you know what that tells me? They somehow feel guilty about the decisions they ARE making (I know... MIND BLOWN).

Anyways- I'm starting to rant so I'll just step off this soap box and get back to my point.

I really just wanted to focus on the top two excuses that people always give when they say they can't work out:

1. No time

2. No equipment

And I am here to tell you that those are not valid excuses. Sorry, I know I just burst some bubbles, but it's true. You do not need an hour to workout. You do not need a gym. You do not need fancy workout clothes or shoes.

What you DO need is a timer (which I know you all have... it is literally on EVERY smart phone), 20-30 minutes, and comfortable clothes that you can move in. And maybe some water- you won't have time to drink it during the workout but you'll want to smash your face with it afterwards.

This workout is a High Intensity Interval Workout (HIIT) that involves tabatas. A true tabata is 4 minutes long of one exercise following the pattern of 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest. So at the end of 4 minutes you have done 8 sets of the same exercise movement (each 20 seconds of work is maximum effort, so if the movement is sit ups, you do as many situps as possible in that 20 seconds).

However, you can put tabatas into any workout for a fat blasting effect that will rev your metabolism for HOURS. Try this 28 minute workout (4 minutes warm up, 4 minutes cool down, so it is just 20 minutes of work) and let me know what you think!

Warm up: This should be done slow and only sped up as you feel your body warming up

3 sets

25 jumping jacks

20 knee to chest (in a standing position, bring one knee as high into the chest as it will go, while remaining upright, and wrap your arms around your leg just below the knee. Hold for a few seconds, then switch sides. This is often done in a very slow walk)

Workout: You will need a timer/stopwatch to keep track of time. Workout begins as soon as you press start. Each exercise is to be performed at maximal effort during the 20 seconds of work, followed by the 10 seconds of rest. There is 40 seconds of rest built into the workout between rounds. If you are unsure of how to do something, reference YouTube. There are lots of great demo videos there.

5 Rounds

:00 - :20 - Squats

Get down and dirty in less than 30 minutes

:20 - :30 - REST

:30 - :50 - Burpees

:50 - 1:00 - REST

1:00 - 1:20 - Jump Lunges

1:20 - 1:30 - REST

1:30 - 1:50 - Push ups

1:50 - 2:00 - REST

2:00 - 2:20 - Mountain Climbers

2:20 - 2:30 - REST

2:30 - 2:50 - Superman (hold up position)

2:50 - 3:00 - REST

3:00 - 3:20 - Run high knees in place

3:20 - 4:00 - REST


Cool Down: Resist sitting for the first couple of minutes post workout. Try and walk around in place and focus on your breathing (deep breath in through the nose and out through the mouth). While walking do some knees to chest and some quad stretches bringing your foot to your booty. When you can breathe through just your nose comfortably, stand with your legs wider that shoulder width apart, take a deep inhale, and as you exhale fold at the waist letting your upper body be very loose. Don't actively reach down toward the ground but just hang as low as your body naturally takes you. Hold at the bottom for about 10 seconds, and with a deep inhale bring yourself back to standing. If you feel dizzy at all when bending at the waist, sit down, drink water, and focus on your breathing. Give yourself a minute, get up slowly, and then try again (your heart rate just hadn't regulated yet).

And look at that... in less than 30 minutes you have warmed up, worked out, cooled down, and KICKED ASS! You. Are. Welcome.

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