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  • Writer's pictureHolly

Meal Prep: Tex-Mex Hash Breakfast Casserole

Okay you guys- so I have a confession to make. I have been holding out on you one of the most delicious breakfast recipes I have ever had in my entire life... I know, I know... you can hate me later but first you have to check out the link to it HERE.

And I KNOW! It's even paleo so you can eat it and feel good and satisfied with yourself. Also, you should for real look through Juli's (creator of entire website because it is PACKED with the most amazing recipes, and actually a lot of great workouts too if you are into that.

The reason why I particularly like this recipe is because I double it and make it in the biggest pan I can and then I have breakfast and lunch basically all week for myself, and it only took me an hour to make. Umm... can you say win? Because yeah it says "breakfast casserole" but it's delicious I'll eat this baby any time of day.

I know that a lot of you don't necessarily have the time to meal prep ALLLL your meals in advance, so this is a great option if you just want to make one meal that you can have on hand when you are in a bind and want to eat healthy.

So yeah, this is a short post but I'm not trying to reinvent the wheel, AND I also want to give credit where credit is due (which is to Juli!). She also has a bunch of Instant Pot recipes which I plan on highlighting some of my faves for you soon- because seriously if you don't already have one, then you need to put that puppy on your Christmas list STAT because it's basically the best invention since the food processor.

Make it. Eat it. Let me know what you think.

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